Make Honduras Safe Again (dad hat)
My native Honduras is a country rich with beautiful culture, people, and a young population, but it's also been the murder capital of the world and ravaged by natural disasters. The dangers of gangs and drug cartels have caused many people to flee to the US and other countries for safety. The way to improve the situation is to invest in the YOUTH! Profits from EVERY order will go to the Hope For Honduran Children Foundation 501(c)(3) which I have been donating to since 2005.
In Honduras 80% of the population lives in conditions of extreme poverty and the greater majority are children. There is an overwhelming lack of healthcare, government assistance programs, portable water, paved roads and bridges. The chance for education is minimal and unemployment is the norm.
Learn more at http://hopeforhonduranchildren.org
Order your hat today and support the future of Honduras and Latin America!